Singulair® Bio-Kinetic® Onsite Wastewater System

  • Precast concrete tanks
  • Three treatment chambers (Pretreatment, Aeration, Clarification)
  • Bio-Kinetic® System
  • Flow equalization
  • Optional chemical addition

Models 960 and TNT (to your left)

Norweco (Norwalk Wastewater Company)

Norweco of Norwalk Ohio has over 100 years experience as manufacturers of water and wastewater treatment products, systems and chemicals. They specialize in small flow treatment applications ranging from municipal treatment systems for small towns all the way down to systems for the individual residential home. Here are a few of their most notable products:

  • Singulair® Bio-Kinetic Wastewater System
    The Singulair® 960 unit is designed for domestic onsite wastewater treatment. Flows ranging from 500 to 1500 gallons per day are treated with this unit. The Singulair TNT® unit (Total Nitrogen Treatment) is used when greater domestic nutrient reduction is required. An average effluent produced by the TNT contains 7 mg/L nitrate, 12 mg/L Total nitrogen, 4 mg/L CBOD5 and 9 mg/L Total Suspended Solids.
  • Modulair® Wastewater Treatment System
    The Modulair® wastewate treatment units are used for commercial, industrial and small municipal applications. Modulair® units service capacities ranging from 1500 to 500,000 gallons per day.
  • Travalair® Wastewater Treatment System
    The Travaliar® wastewater treatment units process flows of up to 500,000 gallons per day. These units are used in commercial, industrial and small municipal applications.

Visit for detailed information on the Bio-Kinetic® system, pumping stations, chemicals and all their other products.